Our Mission
At Revibro we aim to manufacture the fastest tunable optic in the world. We provide outstanding customer support, helping with system design, modeling, and integration of our optic for different applications. We work together closely as a team to overcome difficult problems, and provide an atmosphere of support and open communication for our employees.
Chris Arrasmith
Chris is the President, CEO and founder of Revibro Optics. He is a graduate of Montana State University in Electrical Engineering. Chris has expertise in optical systems design, microfabrication, and business development.
Scott Gneiting
Scott has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Brigham Young University. He is an expert in microfabrication.
Raymond Weber
Raymond is a Ph.D. graduate from Montana State University. He is the electronics and embedded systems guru at Revibro Optics.
Our Story
Revibro was founded in 2015 to develop and commercialize this exciting tunable focus mirror technology. Funding from the National Science Foundation SBIR program and Montana MBRCT provided critical development resources, and helped us develop our first deformable mirror product suited for microscopy and laser focusing applications. We are excited to continue development of other deformable mirror products for a variety of applications.